+48 71 785 43 05 biuro@centrumfk.pl

Centrum FK



 Centrum FK Accounting Office specializes in accounting, HR and payroll services for Polish and foreign companies. We take over the tasks of financial and accounting departments, thanks to which entrepreneurs can focus on their core business, saving time and reducing costs. We provide professional and high quality of our accounting services, as well as attractive terms of cooperation.

Benefits of cooperation with Centrum FK

  • We use proven solutions supported by several years of experience
  • For each company there is a dedicated concierge from both the accounting and HR and payroll side
  • We provide tax security, resulting from experience, constant improvement of knowledge
  • We take over the tasks of internal financial and accounting departments, thanks to which entrepreneurs can focus on their core business, saving time and reducing costs
  • During the realization of the service, our clients receive the financial information  necessary to make the right decisions
  • The services provided are supervised by a statutory auditor

Your accounting in Centrum FK

 Centrum FK is an accounting office that provides accounting services since 2008 and is run by tax specialists. The owner of the accounting office is Renata Juraszek, a statutory auditor entered into the Register of Statutory Auditors under No. 10384. The audit firm Centrum FK is registered as an entity authorized to audit financial statements under the number 3556.

Centrum FK Renata Juraszek
Spółka Komandytowa
NIP 8943178276

ul. Ostrowskiego 30
53-238 Wrocław

+48 71 785 43 05
+48 502 595 134

Centrum FK Renata Juraszek
Firma Audytorska 3556
NIP 8941024184

ul. Ostrowskiego 30
53-238 Wrocław

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